TERM - The term of this Agreement shall commence upon completion of this agreement and shall remain in effect until the practice opens for a business unless otherwise terminated as provided for in the
terms and conditions of this agreement. The fee does not include costs associated with final architectural or engineering drawings, special reviews, project registrations, additional consultants (such as a structural engineer or ADA compliance), or permitting costs. Any fees paid by De Style Design on behalf of the Practitioner, with the Practitioner’s prior approval, will be billed as reimbursement with a 10% administration fee. The Practitioner is solely responsible for engaging, at their expense, an architecture firm, engineers, general contractors, or others as necessary to complete, adapt, modify, and implement the plans and construct the location in accordance with all applicable laws, codes, and regulations. The Practitioner further agrees that it is their sole responsibility to ensure that the plans and construction comply with all applicable laws, codes, and regulations.